Mental Health and Wellbeing through Nature

The Story Teller and Teacher of Nature.

I’m a wise women with a great sense of humour.  I have a family with 5 grandchildren.

I have many years working in the NHS, Social care and Charities. Through this I have learnt skills of presenting, assessments, safeguarding and working in groups. I have worked with adults and young people with mental health, physical disabilities, substance misuse and special needs.

I connect to nature and believe in traditional ways of living where possible to help with our mental health and well being.

What is it about?

The groups are respectful of everyones religious and lifestyle beliefs. This is done with sensitivity as you never know what may come out in sessions.

Through my teachings we discuss stories, mystical myths, ways to work with trees, shells, pebbles, sun, moon sea and wind and much more.  I educate on some herbs used for relaxation and remedies. We learn about other countries cultures on occasions embracing the common theme of kindness, health and respect for nature.

We drum and dance and celebrate the different seasons and traditions that go with them.

Some of my sessions have been 1:1 but mainly group gatherings. Parents/guardians-Elders in an outer circle and the young people in the middle circle.

The Elders have found out and engaged in conversations from the thoughts the young person has had but never mentioned before. It’s been empowering for all to hear and watch.

The drums are a great way to bring up the energy and have fun, especially for those that find verbal communication challenging.

I change the teaching every 15/20 mins to high then low energies to keep all interested and not loose concentration where possible. Some can leave the group in a session and rejoin if it helps with their anxieties.

The sessions are not restricted to producing targets on content and performance, it is more theme based on individuals attending to meet their needs.

Quotes from some young people

‘what’s real? stars and the Big Bang or Jesus?’

‘I showed my forest school teacher how we drum to heal.’

‘Julia is the best teacher i’ve ever had.’

‘We do this too in my country’

‘I miss my grandad’- we don’t talk about it’

Interested? Get in touch.

If you are interested either as a one to one-groups- home education-main stream education- pre school- etc

I travel in my minibus/campervan and carry out my work across Dorset and Hampshire.

Please contact me through the contact link on this website.