Wisdom from within

I travel in my van for social, healings and alone time. The views, people, thoughts and experiences have inspired me to write. Here are some of them,

I think I live in an alternate realm already. I live my life with love and laughter. When something comes to hurt or challenge me, I look at myself to see what is it in me that it’s affected me. Then I go to my altar and sit and spend time just freeing my mind and may ask for help and guidance.

Fear is a poison, love is the treatment but not always the cure.

Expand the chest and let the heart Chakara vibrations bounce out. Watch how like minded and those that need you want to be in your presence. This is not ego this is energy. 🙏🌳💕🌈




What does life mean to you?

A butterfly’s message to me. 🦋

Yesterday I saw a floating moth/butterfly lying in a puddle in my garden. Flat, still and looked like it’s wings had been discoloured by the sun. No life.

I was drawn to it, bent down and lifted it up on my finger. I was careful not to damage any part of its body. Dead or alive respect should always be there.

I thought this little soul was so fragile and beautiful. I blew away the heavy water that must have engulfed it’s being. It was probably only looking for refreshing itself.

I blew again and a gentle breeze lifted one of its wings. As I looked around the garden for a nice resting place for it another breeze blew its wing. The water keeping it attached to my finger.

I felt an energy, the connection was already made from the moment I saw it.

I looked closer an antenna was moving. Was it the breeze?

I decided just to sit and talk to this soul and blew on it again. There it was!!!! LIFE

Both wings now moving after 5 mins. I tried to place it on my leg, no it wanted to stay in my hand. I tried to put it on a plant still no wanting to stay on my hand.

My partner by this time was watching at this precious moment.

After approx 10 minutes I blew on it and it left me and flew into a spiders Web- trapped.

Seriously!!! I said to this beautiful soul and rescued it again. (It did make me think do animals sometimes want to give up when life gets too hard. )

I placed it on a tub in the garden yet again it got itself trapped!!!

By this time I said I can’t rescue anymore it’s up to you. It flew off.

As a child I often watched the ants making home, bees flying from flower to flower and in true magical land with butterflies and dragonflies.

Nowdays as I slow down a bit more and connect to nature again I see the other worlds and communities of animals and plants that some just don’t see or acknowledge.

This butterfly was my message I needed at the moment.

Life is tough, someone or thing will give you that breath you need, it may not work at first but keep flying. Beauty maybe shown on the outside but it’s the inner strength and truth that will give you peace.

I’m on second stage in the web after my first flight. I need the wind to take me to my next destination.

Blessings and love to the Great Spirit and nature 🙏💕🌳🌈

Be your authentic self and embrace nature

It’s easier to focus on the negative, the things that haven’t turned out how you had hoped.

The well I’m nice and bad things happen, why me?

I’ve worked hard, others who haven’t have more!!

Why don’t people like or understand me?

I’m too old to do this?

I’m too young, no one listens to me!!!

Yep things I’ve said and others too.

Well on reflection my decisions on who I mixed with, what I choose to believe in, what I had to feed my ego, what I gave up because I trusted others, were all me.

I look back, wasted money, wasted time on negative people and places, believed in powerful men and women who did not have my best interest just theirs, ignored at different times in my life my spiritual path, even though I felt it in me.

Through this life I have those that held their hand out to me and didn’t judge.

I now respect and honour things I buy from food, garden items, van items, gifts etc

I take time to look down at the blades of grass, snails, ladybirds, weeds.

Lye on my back and watch the clouds move by seeing images in them.

Watching sun rise and sunsets.

Talking to the moon and stars seeing them dance.

Feeling the waves crashing to the ground with their vibration. All this I remember doing as a child.

Now days I am young inside again but now have wisdom. I wear what I want and speak my truth from my heart with love. I protect myself from negativity but reflect on what it is teaching me.

Be your authentic self. That’s why we are here. Find your tribe. We don’t need to be the same. Just give love especially to those that are in the 3D world they are not bad. They just need you to hold out your hand.

Blessings and love on this sunny May morning.

Hope trust honesty and love

I have learnt this from the angels above.

Wisdom, laughter tears of joy

this I have learnt from my boys.

Unconditional love and self worth,

should have been something I had from birth,

instead I have a wonderful soul mate,

who has given so much, so it's not to late,

to live life, experiencing the good and bad,

because of all she has given me, I am finally happy not sad.

And I thank my boys and to them I say,

live your life sons, no regrets, enjoy each day.

Author jfw ( me) march 2012


Morning I’m back home from my trip 😩 one night only. However we know the universe has a plan and is looking out for me. To cut a long story and a ripple of events no issues with the van or me or Lizanne. When I got home the and unpacking the van

it developed a roof leak and I removed a box with bits in so it didn’t get wet and put a bowl there. (Before I left I said to Lizanne can you smell gas under the stairs or damp. She kept saying theres nothing. ) my Wolf senses are sooo alert. Anyway got back home in the removed box carbon detector for the van goes off. Should only detect flame that gives off bad gas. Changed batteries and went off again. I said to Lizanne I was bought back here even though I was desperate for my trip. I phoned the emergency gas no they came out and identified a gas leak on the flexi pipe on the meter. He couldn’t smell the gas. He said the alarm shouldn’t have gone off. We were very lucky. 🙏🦌🌳🌈 Lizanne said ignore me again and again your intuition has been right so now time to trust it.

Today’s thought after full moon experience.

I can only speak for me as I’m not academic.

I have become wiser and more philosophical as I’ve got older. I have surrendered myself to my inner thoughts, feelings and energies. I finally feel I’m home with my Shamanic life through a life journey of challenges and blessings.

I now connect with nature, ancestors, animal spirits and elements without thinking am I going mad?😆

Since doing this I have peace, healed, honoured the above and welcomed the tribe that have been drawn to me and me to them.

I see myself as a worker for Mother Earth and Father sky. I am so blessed. When ever I have doubt of this path, (I feel I may not be worthy to do this), something comes along slaps me in the heart and makes me smile and I go, ok sorry I doubted. Then thank that situation, feeling or vision.

I love that Shamans are different because communities and life experiences are different.

Ive learnt from a wonderful teacher both Native American and Celtic ways. But I do not try to be of those ways as that would not be my true self. I am my ancestors future and my children’s past. But for now I am present and blessed. 🌳💕🌈🙏

We can learn from Roses

A rose is constantly budding, growing and producing a fragrance,

It reminds us each year of the seasons,

It gives us joy with how it never lets us down with its bloom and growth,

It may need pruning back to enable it to grow for another year,

This is a comparison to our love and relationship,

We have grown together been constant,

We have had joy and needed to prune back our behaviours for us to grow,

The next seasons and years we will watch, listen and enjoy our continuous learning of our love and life.

We will be there for each other, pruning to enable growth and watching the beauty of our love bloom.

We are the spirit of our earth

We are alive and walking  where we are beautiful

We are the forest folk

We live with light

We love with honour

Freedom is our tribe

Love is our vibe

Community and Friends

Thanks to the earth

Sun and sky

Grandmother Moon so high

We as a tribe gather to give light


The Alder tree

Taught me

it’s ok to be me

Male and female

I won’t go to hell

I have soul love.

The view from my family

Was gay, don’t be silly

Now No more shield or sword

Acceptance is my reward

I have soul love

Years I hid, no contact

From those who would react

I now understand this balanced lave

From the Alder tree and above

This is soul love

Ive accepted unique me

from the teachings of the Alder Tree

Blessed Be xx. 🌳

The spirituality of a Tree,

Is so in tuned with me,

Their Barks and Leafs,

Help me with my work and beliefs,

So as The Travelling Shaman,

I bless and thank them,

Blessed Be  🙏💕🌳🌈


The paths we have to walk can be long and uphill. The reason is to give us time to think, prepare and give us strength. We then are ready to open that gate with love in our heart and words of wisdom we have gathered on our journey. 🙏💕

From maiden to crone

From innocence to wisdom

At a young age animals and plants we d talk and play,,

I thought everyone communicated this way.

From the ground to the sky the earth was our mother,

She’d give me peace and love like no other.

I’d love the seasons, hot summers and the fall of snow,

Watching the flowers and leaves come and go.

Now I get asked how long have you been a Shaman?

Which books have you read?

have you heard of this or that Native American?

I reply since a child I have connected in bliss,

Nature and higher have given me this.

I have taken teachings to learn the traditional ways,

to honour and respect every day,

Integrity and truth with every action,

Listened to my heart and souls interaction,

Without these values I would not be blessed, with my ancestors presence,

After all how can we serve if these intentions aren’t are core essence?

Finally I’ve learnt to chill and not need scientific validation,

For BELIEF, HEALINGS, LAUGHTER, LOVE, are all I need for my affirmation.

Aho, Blessed be.

The Travelling Shaman

Aka Julia with the bruised and dirty knees from climbing the trees 🌳