Glastonbury 28-5-2022

I was asked by Jackie White of Positive Living Group in the New Forest to hold a Ceremony for a group of 38 people coming for a day trip to Glastonbury. I was very excited to do this for them and for some they had never experienced a Shamanic ceremony.

A circle was formed and I carried out the ritual for opening a circle. During this ceremony everyone received sage smudge, drumming healing, a story with a message in and a piece of wool each to bless. This wool was given back to me to be put on the blessing stick that I have.

I closed the circle and the vibe was very positive, some expressing how powerful, emotional, and educational learning about a Shamanic circle.

Other ceremonies will be posted on here in the future.

Blessings to you all x

photo shot at Glastonbury 28-5-2022


How did I get to where I am now?